Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Why? The Call. The Ask. The Answer.

The Why? The Call. The Ask. The Answer.

The Why?

I saw a meme recently that went as follow:

The definition of life

1.       You are born.

2.       What the heck was that?

3.       You die.

I thought it funny at first but then I thought about it and I didn’t find it as funny.  Call me humorless but it made me think, “What are you doing with your life?”  It forces you to answer the great question “Why am I here?”  I am no philosopher, no wise man and definitely no great famous person. I’m just a regular dude.  My take on the question is only my opinion, no one else’s, just mine.  I am here to love.  I am here to look after others…the weak, the strong, the good and the bad.  I am here to serve those who cannot serve themselves.

I am not here to impress others.  I am not here to die with massive wealth or fame.  I am simply here to love others and love God.  Why post something like this?

The Call

If you buy into my answer above I want you to consider doing something.  It is simple.  It is easy but it does require one thing…action.  Act on the need to love others and do something.  Words are just words but actions speak to the world.  Actions provide proof of your conviction to love others.  They define your character.  Love requires action.

So how can you act?  Get involved in helping others.  Give to a charity.  Volunteer your time.  Help those who need help.

The Ask

I believe in transparency.  I am asking you to give.  Give to any charity you believe in but I would ask you to consider the foundation we established as a memorial to our daughter Maggie.  It is called the Magpie Fund.  The fund provides an annual $1,000 scholarship to siblings of those with special needs.  As the fund grows, the purpose will expand to include purchasing equipment for those with special needs who cannot afford it and other assistance to those who care for handicapped individuals.  See the attached link if you would like to donate to the Magpie Fund.

The Answer

What the heck was that?  Hopefully, you will have an answer to that someday.  I pray the answer is “fulfilling.”  A life full of giving and receiving love.  Call me sappy as I get older but I have found that a smile and a hug go a lot farther than a dollar bill in your pocket.  Please consider the Magpie Fund as an option to start that trend.  If you want to give copy the link below into your address bar and ensure you select Magpie Fund – Maggie Grace Lyons Memorial as your designated donor fund (use the drop down menu on the website to denote the proper fund).

Online donations:


Designation: Magpie Fund- Maggie Grace Lyons’ Memorial


Mail donations to:

Fairfield County Foundation •

162 East Main Street, Lancaster, Ohio 43130

MEMO line-Magpie Fund/Maggie Grace Lyons

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Scattered thoughts as The Day comes closer

November 19, 2016...
I sit here debating what to say as the day I fear looms closer.  November 19, 2016.  I seem frozen.  I don’t know how to feel.  I don’t know what to say to people when they ask how I am.  I can only say good, OK or I am managing.  I want to scream.  I want to cry.  I want to get on my knees and beg.  I want...  I want to see her again.  I want to feel her soft hands.  I want to nuzzle in her soft curly head of hair.  I am lost.

I want to give it all to Jesus but something keeps hold me back from letting it rest in His hands...a selfishness.  I keep picturing where I was when I was told to go to the hospital.  I remember the drive to the hospital and thinking why was I not there when she was found at home.  I picture my wife and daughter fighting to get her to breathe.  I remember walking in the emergency room, seeing my baby and falling to my knees.  I relive that pain.  It is always late at night and I wake to those images.  It eats away at me.  I feel helpless, worthless, insecure and less of a man.  A man who swore to protect his family, to look over them and shelter them from harm.  I feel broken.

I look for guidance to carry me through.  I am stumbling and struggling to keep it together.  I pray to God for relief from the pain and grieving I feel.  It comes and goes.  I cry.  I smile.  I remember.

To say I know what God felt when he gave His only Son to save me from my sins, I have a glimpse but it is not comparable.  I did not want her to go.  He willingly gave His Son to save all.  Then I think that His willing sacrifice saved Maggie.  He save Maggie.  Maggie is with God for eternity...for eternity!  My heart grieves but it also sings.  It sings out to her letting her know how much I love her and miss her.  It sings her praises still.  It sings on how she made me a better man...a better dad...a better person.

I can’t help but think of what she is doing now.  What are you doing in heaven my little girl?  What awesome thoughts are running through your head?  Are you singing?  I know you are smiling!  Are you dancing?  Are you pacing the floor?  I know those eyes are bright!  I wish I could glimpse in on you but I have to wait.  I need to bide my time as my work is not done here.  It will be someday and oh what an awesome day that will be when God calls me home.  I know where I will go.  I know who will be waiting for me.  I know the ear to ear grin that will be on my face.  Death has lost its sting.  I will met you again my beautiful child in the loving arms of our Savior.  What a thought.  What peace it brings.  God is good all day every day.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

counting down,,,

November 2017 

So, I am back to counting...After Mag's first died, I was counting the weeks and months she had been gone.  Now, as we approach the 1 year anniversary or her death, I am counting down to that day again...

I started planning for November 19, about 1 month ago.  I knew that Scott and I couldn't just wake up and go about my day like any other day.  I know we need to get out of here.  Then, I started worrying about Dan and MK.  What would they do and who would they be with that day?

Mk and I were the ones at home when Mag's died.  So I knew I couldn't be without my MK.  She and I need to be together.  I decided to take her to Wicked.  We are traveling to Cleveland to see our favorite musical!  For those who know me, know that I think Wicked is the story of Mags and MK.  Maggie is "Elphaba" because she is the "different one" and MK is "Glinda". Mary Kate was Maggie's voice, just like Glinda is for Elphaba.  It will be a day to make new memories.

Scott is going down to Oxford to spend the day with Dan. They plan on hiking for the day. I hope it is a good day.  I am a little nervous.  I am thankful it is not a workday.

Speaking of work.  I love teaching kindergarten! It's a lot easier going to work every day where there are happy little kids.  Literally, these kiddos are the reason I can get out of bed and function day to day.  There are days I feel so joyful, I look at Mag's picture, that sits behind my desk, and she gives me a little wink.

The Magpie Fund is up and running. We are still working on a location for our kickoff event.  In the meantime, you can donate by following this link https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/fairfieldcountyfoundation?code=website.  We will be hosting a trivia night in January or early February. Stay tuned.  Hope you were able to purchase our first official Magpie Fund t-shirt or sweatshirt. Mk designed the logo and we absolutely LOVE it!

John 23:34 "Love one another, as I have loved you, so you must love one another."

Psalm 34:18 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Remember to be thankful every day!  Take time to say "Thank You!". Be kind to one another and spread a little sparkle and sunshine wherever you go.

Where am I now?

 February 15, 2023   Interesting question.  It took me 6 years but I have finally found and joined a grief group.  Yep!  I don't really ...